Thursday, January 29, 2009

Babi dan Swikee di restoran Jakarta dan sekitarnya

Hati-hati buat yang peduli dengan makanan halal.

Pork and Swikee in the Restaurant

Ditulis Oleh
Rabu, 04 Juni 2008
Deciding to take lunch as well as dinner in a restaurant, then there is a clash of interest between your will with uncertain condition of restaurant chosen, particularly on its halal status. Because, in this regard, you may find any menus with unclear status of halal, or unhealthy menus and other strange menus which are not suitable with our taste.
In Jakarta and around, various restaurants offer various menus with different style. There are luxurious restaurants with their glorious interiors and specific menus, and there are also small restaurant and food stall or cafes along a street, with very simple appearance. Such conditions, of course, are related with money and our power of pocket to choose. But one thing to wary out, any decision to choose, there is always possibility that unclear status of halal menus or even unlawful or haram menus may be found anywhere.

In a luxurious restaurant selling various Western as well as Chinese menus, there are possibilities that unlawful food and menus are awaiting; such as menus with pork, beef where the cow has not been slaughtered in accordance with Islamic Shari’ah, and of course, alcoholic beverages. And such conditions also happen in small as well as simple restaurants and food stall along the street; unlawful components included in their menus.

In this regard, Jurnal Halal has made a simple survey in some points of Jakarta and around, to find out any information concerning the existence of such kind of restaurants, namely the restaurants offering unhalal menus. And the results show that there are many restaurants selling various unlawful menus among their conventional menus, selling them either explicitly or openly and implicitly or secretly. In this context, there is no problem if the restaurants are selling such unlawful menus contained with pork or even dog menus openly, by stating them in their list of menus; so Muslim people can avoid them consciously. But there are also many restaurant do not state such menus explicitly. Even, many of them are selling such menus using a cover, such as seafood menus or Chinese menus. So that unaware Muslim consumers can be trapped into unlawful menus.

Such findings through the survey carried out by Jurnal Halal prove that there are restaurants in Jakarta and around are offering and selling unlawful menus in accordance with Islamic Shari’ah. Such as menus contained with pork, meat of dog, frog or swikee, and even meat of cow or beef, which has not been slaughtered in accordance with Islamic law. Therefore, then, Muslim consumers must aware and be careful in deciding to have lunch or dinner outside. (JH)

Hoka Hoka Bento now is HALAL !!!!!

Alhamdulillah akhirnya salah satu fast food yang disenangi istri sudah bersertifikasi halal. Selamat buat HOKBEN. Tinggal nungguin Hanamasa lagi bersertifikat halal. Saat ini hanya Hanamasa medan yang sudah bersertifikat halal MUI.

Berikut infonya langsung dari official websitenya hokben.

Sertifikat HALAL MUI
Pada tanggal 24 September 2008, Komisi Fatwa MUI telah mengeluarkan SERTIFIKAT HALAL Hoka Hoka Bento no. 00160048830908, sehingga secara resmi seluruh produk Hoka Hoka Bento telah dinyatakan memenuhi persyaratan HALAL. Setelah melalui proses audit yang merupakan prosedur standar MUI, sertifikat ini telah diserah-terimakan ke pihak Hoka Hoka Bento pada tanggal 17 Oktober 2008.

Sertifikat HALAL yang diterbitkan oleh LPPOM MUI Pusat berlaku untuk seluruh restoran Hoka Hoka Bento, dari mulai pemasok bahan baku, logistik sebagai pusat distribusi sampai pengiriman ke setiap restoran. Setiap restoran Hoka Hoka Bento tidak diperkenankan membeli bahan baku dari luar selain dari logistik Hoka Hoka Bento. Jadi proses sertifikasi halal tidak hanya di restoran saja melainkan keseluruhan prosesnya mulai dari pemasok, pengangkutan dari pemasok ke logistik atau restoran, pengangkutan dari logistik ke restoran semuanya di sertifikasi HALAL.

Kebijakan HALAL ini sudah terintegrasi dalam sistem manajemen operasi Hoka Hoka Bento. Ini merupakan komitmen Hoka Hoka Bento untuk terus bisa menjadi bagian dari masyarakat, sesuai dengan visi & misi perusahaan.

Jadi, tidak perlu ragu lagi.. selalu saja ada alasan ke Hoka Hoka Bento.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Marketing Management (12th Edition)

Editorial Reviews

*NEW -- Tighter presentation and modular organization - Based on extensive user feedback, Kotler and Keller focused on preserving the strengths and core topics from previous editions, while carefully tightening coverage in every chapter for greater clarity. By organizing the text into eight parts of related material, a more modular approach, instructors have greater flexibility. "Many say Kotler defined this course when he wrote the first edition of this text. The 12th edition is particulary noteworthy because it's the first time Kotler is joined by a co-author. Are you familiar with Kevin Lane Keller?"**NEW - Philip Kotler invites Kevin Lane Keller to be co-author - Acknowledged as one of the international leaders in the study of strategic brand management and integrated marketing communications, Kevin is presently E.B.Osborn Professor of Marketing at the Amos Tuck School of Business Administration at Dartmouth College. His research has been widely cited and has received numerous awards, and he's served as brand confident to marketers at some of the world's top companies, including Disney, Ford, Intel, Levi Strauss, Nike, Procter & Gamble and Starbucks. Kevin also writes Strategic Brand Management (Prentice Hall)."Are you covering Holistic Marketing? Shouldn't your textbook?"*NEW -- "Holistic marketing" coverage -- Explores the emerging concept that recognizes that everything matters in marketing: internal marketing, integrated marketing, relationship marketing, and socially responsible marketing. For example: See pg. 18 (Figure 1.3) and new Chapter 22, which brings it all together."Have you seen any other marketing management book that comes close to the breadth and depth of current examples and practical tips that Marketing Management, 12e, offers?" *NEW -- Integrated examples -- 10-15 per chapter; 98% new to this edition! These short paragraphs appear within the core chapter material and provide vivid, real-world illustrations of chapter concepts. * NEW - "Marketing Memos" - 2-3 new per chapter. Provide tips and suggestions at all stages of the marketing management process, as well as practical advice and directions in dealing with various marketing decisions.*NEW - "Marketing Insights" - 2-3 new per chapter. Highlight current research findings and cover key marketing topics in greater depth.*NEW - Hands-on marketing plan exercise -- Located at the end of many chapters, starting in Chapter 2. Gives students hands-on experience in developing a customized marketing plan.*NEW -- End of chapter applications - Each Chapter Conclusion has:- 2 Marketing Applications -- 1. Marketing Debate, suggesting opposing points-of-view on an important marketing topic, and 2. Marketing Discussion, identifying provocative marketing issues and allowing a personal point-of-view. - Marketing Spotlight, an in-depth examination of one of the world's most successful marketing companies. Allows focused examination of top brands along the lines of the chapter theme. "Do you assign outside cases and readings in this course? Would it help if we could package them with this text and discount the price for your students?"*NEW - Casebook solutions - Instructors: Visit to see how easy it is to create a casebook or coursepack that includes cases and readings from leading providers, like Harvard Business School Publishing. An exam copy takes just 2 weeks. When students purchase a casebook bundled with this text, they save 10%!"Are you using or interested in using a simulation to complement your marketing management textbook?"*NEW - Simulations from Interpretive Simulations! Instructors, please visit: for additional information. When you adopt a Prentice Hall textbook with an Interpretive simulation, each new textbook will (a) be discounted 10% off of our net price (b) will contain a discount coupon that can be used for a 10% discount when purchasing a simulation online from Interpretive. Students get a top textbook from PH, a premium simulation from Interpretive, and a discount on both!

Product Description
For the MBA Marketing Management course and/or undergraduate capstone marketing strategy course. This is the #1 selling marketing management textbook worldwide because it consistently delivers on its brand promise: to be the first to reflect changes in marketing theory and practice.

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Marketing Management by Kotler

Principle of Beautiful Web design

Review: The Principles of Beautiful Web Design

Travis King

My web design sucks!

If you’re like me you’ve probably said that to yourself at least once in your career. When you browse through sites like cssBeauty and FaveUp, you are wowed by the beautiful designs, and you can’t help but ask yourself “What am I missing?”

I know some freelancers who come from a development background assume that programmers just can’t design. Others have decided to go back to school to take a course in design. But to be honest, when you are already well invested in your career, it’s often not practical or even reasonable to head back to school.

Wouldn’t it be great if you could get a crash course in design principles? Jason Beaird’s The Principles of Beautiful Web Design to the rescue!

Who should read this book?

Jason admits that the book is geared towards programmers and developers that feel a little squeamish when it comes to design, so if you’re an established designer there’s not much this book can teach you. Also, you’re not going to find step-by-step tutorials here, the book covers design principles not design how-to’s. Think of it as a good starting point rather than a hefty tome that’s going to teach you everything there is to know about design.

I also want to point out that although the book claims to focus on developers branching into design, it does make some assumptions that a developer would already be familiar with Photoshop. With that in mind, I would say the book is going to be of most benefit to those starting into a design career or programmers that have tried their hand at design and would like to improve.

The book is broken down into 5 sections.

Layout and Composition.

There are few things more daunting than a blank canvas. Even when you have an idea of what the client wants - how do you get from the idea to the layout? Jason describes his methods of starting with pen and paper, and drawing out a simple grid to sketch out basic concepts. He looks at balance, unity, contrast and other factors that the designer should consider when putting together his composition.


With over 16 million colors to choose from it’s no easy task to pick a color scheme for your website. It’s even harder when you’re forced to work with client colors that just don’t work. The book dips into tried-and-true color theories as well as the six classic color schemes. Did you know there is a color scheme named Tetradic? Use it in a sentence to impress your friends!


Texture was a major thing that I was missing in my design. I had no idea how important a role it plays in taking your design to the next level. It’s true that you can overdo it with texture – think web 2.0 wet glass - but a little gradient, pattern, or light and shadow can go a long way to making your design’s pop.


I bought a whole book dedicated to typography but learnt more from Jason’s descriptions in just 30 pages. So often you’ll see type used poorly or as an afterthought to the design, but there are so many creative ways to use type that we should give careful thought to our font choices.


It seems like a no-brainer that you’re going to need images for your site. After all, what would a website be without beautiful images? With that in mind however, you still need to decide if the images you use are relevant, interesting, and appealing. Jason describes where to look for images and how to make your own stand out.


When I started into web design over 10 years ago I could look at a website and tell you if it looked good, but I couldn’t really tell you why it looked good. Jason book helps to pull back the cover on web design and removes some of the mystery on why things look the way they do.

  • Your web site needs balance. It may not be readily apparent, but if you have heavy graphics on one side of your page, you’re going to need something to balance it out on the other side. Jason illustrates it to hanging a picture lopsided.
  • Text and white space are as important and flashy graphics.
  • Spend some time on your graphics. Crop them and tweak them till they pop. If you’re using other people work make sure you know their usage rights and don’t just try and gank them from a Google image search.
  • Dingbats are your friends. Use them responsibly.

The Principles of Beautiful Web Design is like looking over the shoulder of a designer and having them explain the methods and reasons for their design decisions. It’s hard to not wish the book was 10x longer, but after all, it’s really only a starting point.

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